February = self appreciation time
It doesn’t seem two minutes since I was wishing you all a happy new year and, subsequently, a happy new tier! Homelearning is well and truly back “on” in our house, although James is picking up most of it at the moment, whilst I concentrate on our work with Be Bold Be You & Studio1825.
I’m still working from home, here in Belper, and I’d be lying if I tried to tell you that I’m currently writing this in “day clothes”, with brushed hair and makeup done… Oh, and in my Kermit mug is a proper grown up cup of tea and not hot chocolate with added sprinkles… Honest.
For us, in our industry, this time of year is normally quiet. Christmas presents have been gifted, weddings are still six months away (although, trust us, that time flies!) and there’s a sense of stillness throughout the colder & darker months. Back when “normal” wasn’t a daily term to describe routines of the past, I’d be planning summer holiday promotions and ways in which we look after our clients throughout the sunnier months. This care, however, has taken on even more precedence in the last year and has a more personal touch than ever before. The last ten months has taken on a much more pastoral role than I have ever had within my role at #BBBY. We have all juggled differing lockdown rules for various geographical areas, the need to self isolate incase you have the virus, as well as those unfortunate to catch this virus -alongside the change in daily routine, family life and professional working ways. If you haven’t already, or don’t think you should, I encourage you practice self appreciation.
Both James and I have tried to stay in contact with our clients, past and “present” - to check-in with you all every so often. We don’t always reach everyone and leave a lot of answerphone messages but for those who we do reach these conversations normally last quite a while. We can sometimes talk shoots and photography but most of the time conversation turns to personal stories, emotion and reactions to the current time we all find ourselves in.
It seems, overall, that people are just missing human interaction. It’s all very well staying in touch with family via phone and video calls however the chance to just “chat” and feel a touch, a hug or be in the company of laughter and smiles seems to be truly missed by all those who we have spoken with. I think there is a human notion to want to come across as positive with those we hold close and dear, so subsequently internalise the more negative feelings such as homeschool despair, loneliness and the added stresses the current lockdown are bringing us… Or, if not fully hiding these emotions, watering them down somewhat so they don’t appear as bad or affect loved ones (I’m certainly guilty of this one!).
It feels good to be able to say, and I hope client’s won’t mind me divulging this, that everyone is having to find a new way of coping with our “new normal”. Some days are better than others, for us all, however I am yet to speak to one single person who feels they have got a grip on this new way of living and are confident in their coping strategy, going from day to day. I guess what I’m trying to say is that it really is OK to not be OK… Spend your day in PJs, sack the home learning off for a day or 3 and take time to recoup, process and press reset. Personally, I’ve pressed reset a lot over the last ten months!
I think the next few weeks are going to be tough, with Valentines Day just around the corner and Mother’s Day not too far away. I’m sure our minds will wander with the sentiment these days can bring and the distance we are all currently having to keep will feel even bigger throughout this time because of the awareness of these national days.
I began this month’s blog saying that I’d love for individuals exercise self appreciation. As you all know, we are always on the end of a phone, ready to talk through mood boards and happy to let you know what we think on the latest bits of outfits you’ve sourced from various hours scrolling the internet however it’s also important to stop, for you. There are the obvious ways of doing this such as bubble baths, long showers, foodie treats and a very nice bottle of something to enjoy on a cold winter’s evening but there’s also making sure you take “time out”. Saying this in the middle of a lockdown seems a little silly but there’s something so satisfying in finally attempting that DIY/upcycle/craft project or revamping a wardrobe. A friend of mine introduced me to a fabulous group, on Facebook, where you can swap clothes with others - it costs nothing to join, and nothing to swap, and allows you to revamp your wardrobe, your style and, subsequently, gives you a new way of treating yourself without it costing a penny. I have to admit, I’m rather addicted and feel rather refreshed in knowing I have a new skirt coming, in return for a dress I haven’t worn, or felt good in, for a couple of years! I’ve also hand knitted a blanket - a Pinterest hack I’ve seen for the last couple of years and always wanted to try but never have.
There can be a positive to be exercised from this, if you allow there to be, and it’s that we are able to practice gratitude by acknowledging that we are so lucky to be sat here, in 2021, and have inspiration at our fingertips and, even more lucky, have what we want delivered to our very own front door. Generations before us have got through pandemics before, without click & collect or home delivery, and survived to tell the tale which, mostly, comes across with positive lessons learnt in appreciation and gratitude for themselves and others. Independent businesses are seeing increases in public interest in their services and creative talents. Many of these businesses are relying on delivery options, many of whom are self employed, and are working flat out to keep themselves afloat and you and me with things to do.
It also goes without saying, the public service workers including healthcare, education and even the supermarket chain and it’s suppliers are being pushed to their limits however, for the majority, they deliver this service with politeness and smiles. For me that focus of gratitude, for others, puts a positive spin on the day and my outlook as we move onto a further 40+ days of lockdown.
With my professional hat on, I hope that the bookings we are waiting to photograph are enjoying having us check in on them every so often and have their experiences to look forward to, once the lockdown is lifted. However, one thing I’d love for you all to do this month is to exercise “self appreciation” and, if you need a reason, it’s coming up to Valentine’s Day ;)
Love & Friendship,