How you'd like your name to be in the article
We will only use your first name
First Name
Last Name
This is here if you'd like to just type and write your own story. If you'd prefer some pointers to answer, then scroll down to the next one.
Feel free to leave blank if you don't want to answer this one.
Where did you first hear about Be Bold Be You Foundation?
Was it through a referral, a friend or an advert, for example?
What made you decide to go ahead with your photoshoot with BBBYF?
Did you decide you wanted a shoot as soon as you saw BBBYF or did it take some time? Did you want to do it to celebrate a new chapter in your life? Did you feel nervous or excited at the idea?
Did you have an idea in mind for your photoshoot or did you need some help?
What ideas, if any, did you have when booking in for your experience? If you had some help along the way what and/or who helped you prepare and what did they do? Perhaps you wanted a specific photo for a specific reason?
How did you feel on the morning of your experience?
This is always one of our favourite questions! So many choose to focus on the emotions felt on the drive to the studio however perhaps the nerves and/or excitement kicked in the night before?! Were you anxious, giddy, calm or determined, for example?
What happened once you arrived at the studio?
How did you feel when you pulled onto the drive? What exactly happened, including the welcome, consultation(s), time in hair & makeup, your moment in the studio having your photographs taken and - of course - your viewing.
How did seeing your images for the first time make you feel?
Remember, the images you saw were unedited and straight out of camera - they were completely 100% utterly you. How did that make you feel?
Since your own #BBBYF moment, have you felt inspired to do anything that you think you may not have done before your photoshoot?
A new hobby? A new outfit? Date night? A new, more confident, stride in your step?
If you were to recommend this experience to others what advice would you give them?
A boost of confidence, suggestions on choosing outfits, top tips? Do's and do not's....?
And finally, in your own words, please can you describe how you think a professional photoshoot has aided your healing, physically and/or mentally? This information is extremely useful when we apply for grants and funding.
I give consent for my imagery to be used alongside my story for promotional opportunities for the charity
I do not give consent for my story to be used promotionally but I agree to it being used as a case study for grants & funding applications where my name and images are not included.
I do not wish for my story to be used but agree to my images being shared for promotional and funding applications
Thank you for taking the time to write this… I’ll be in touch with a preview of how we’ve put your words together, plus the imagery we’d like to use alongside your story within the next week. I know it’s a while to wait but it means I won’t rush the job and hopefully create a piece that you’ll feel proud to both share and inspire others.
Once again, a MASSIVE thank you. Kx