How Alex Scott demonstrated being Bold at the World Cup opening game for England
I normally try to avoid political based chats as it something that can cause heated debates when both sides believe in their opinion so much that the “debate” gets lost and arguments can begin. Now add in to the mix that it’s the World Cup, being held in Qatar and I very doubt I need to say any more… Whether you’re about the football, human rights or both it’s a heated topic. However, I had to write to you all about Miss. Alex Scott, MBE.
I’m going to let you in on a little secret… Whilst the kids were at school both James & I took a sneaky afternoon away from the admin & studio to go to our local - the Spanker Inn pub - and watch the first England World Cup match, in Qatar, against Iran. I’m not going to lie - it wasn’t the top of my agenda however James wanted a +1 to watch the match with and once we got there he was relieved to see other people in the bar so I found a little nook to read my book and enjoy a hot chocolate (I know, I know… In my defence, it was 1pm on a Monday!). In the build up to the world cup, there have been media reports of modern slavery against the host country plus the controversy surrounding bribery allegations, including members of the FIFA executive committee: It’s fair to say that this World Cup is grabbing headlines around the world which are nothing to do with the point of the tournament - football. What I want to focus on though, is the Qatar based law that has made same sex relationships illegal and it’s reported that some team captain’s planned on wearing “one love” armbands. Let’s not forget, the “one love" slogan is there to stand up against all forms of discrimination however football governing body FIFA told teams that if they wore the bands onto the pitch they would receive an immediate yellow card before the game had even started.
Photo not taken by us and found via Google
So, back to Alex Scott - former professional football player, sports presenter & pundit with 140 appearances for England which, at time of retirement in 2017, saw her earn the title of second most England capped player. I have very, very little interest in football much to James’ disgust (his family have links to Scotland football his great uncle used to play for West Ham) however Alex Scott has always captured my attention. If you ever want an example of how to be Bold and be You, in my opinion, she has a rapport on camera with is authentic, passionate and honest - incidentally, she was the first ever female presenter to be able to report from the World Cup in 2018 and now, on 21 November 2022, she owned a decision that some felt either unable or incapable of seeing through.
As mentioned earlier, FIFA had purposefully prevented the “one love” armbands being worn by competing countries and, as a result, just hours before their first game, England announced captain Harry Kane would no longer be wearing his - there to show solidarity against all types of discrimination - to avoid the yellow card along with Wales, and other competing countries. With the teams cowering from FIFA, Alex Scott took it upon herself to wear the rainbow armband whilst broadcasting. It’s reported the armbands are in support of the LGBTQ+ community and Miss Scott addressed the decision FIFA made by simply pointing out that “[They] will never understand travelling to a country where you are fearing for your life, because of who you choose to love". WOW. Simple, to the point & factual whilst standing a ground that had been taken from others.
Photo not taken by us and found via Google
As mentioned earlier, the “one love” slogan is apparently there to stand up to all forms of discrimination. However, those wanting to show their support have been discriminated against by being threatened with sporting sanctions such as a yellow card by governing body FIFA. So, who is supporting what here? Is FIFA’s Gianni Infantino and his committee pro or anti same-sex relationships? Are they trying to keep Qatar happy in the midst of bribery allegations? One thing is for certain here and that’s the BOLD nature Alex Scott - a female presenter for English Football - in a male dominated foreign country - has shown, now & throughout her career, in inspiring and is an absolute example that if one person feels unable to be BOLD, for whatever reason, there’s always another willing to pick it up and carry things forward whilst confidence is found by others. It’s yet another moment where human nature beats oppression and we can do this, together, by being bold and true to ourselves, whilst showing support for others. I’m so lucky that I get to see individuals inspiring others on a daily basis - across the East Midlands and even the UK - in my job at Be Bold Be You and to see that on an international stage, yesterday, made my heart absolutely sing.
Well done, Alex Scott. Well played.
Hi! I’m Kirsty, co-founder of Be Bold Be You. Mum of 3 awesome girls and creator of the #uckthefilter campaign. I’d love to have a chat - drop me a message - and we can start planning your own #BBBY moment.